Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making Connections

Is anyone focusing on making connections? I find that this is the most useful strategy to incorporate into any lesson, especially in view of 21st century skills. I'd love to hear success stories from those who are focusing on making connections. I use this strategy in every World History I lesson, and I'm seeing incredible results with my 9th grade students. It is a simple concept that we often overlook.


  1. I am also trying to focus on Making Connections. It is the most useful strategy to incorporate in ANY lesson. I co-teach VA./U.S. History and we are trying to incorporate it as much as we can. We used it today in our lesson about political parties. The kids really do well with it.

  2. I have focused on Making Connections as well. I think it is one of the easiest strategies for the students to pick up on and it is working really well. I'm glad to hear that it is for you all as well!
