Monday, August 30, 2010

SURN Staff Development

Good afternoon! My iTune team and I were assigned to create a staff development session for our entire staff utilizing Reciprocal Teaching and Marginalia. The session went very well and our staff enjoyed the instructional stategies. I hope that everyone is implementing the instructional stategies that we learned! I look forward to readnig your posts!


  1. I'm glad things seem to be going well for you with implementing the strategies at your school. Are you going to do more sessions with your staff? And if so, how often? We are trying to finalize a plan to do the same and I'm really interested in how other schools are doing this!

  2. We selected strategies that we felt would best address our student needs and were the most effective. I would like to do more sessions with the staff and cover all of the strategies that we discussed in the conference. Let me know what strategies you select and how it went! Take care!
