Sunday, September 26, 2010

Learning Plans 9/22/2010

I finished my first review of your learning plans. You have great foundations. As many of you noticed, it was a bit of a challenge to use the format and concepts. I, too, struggled with the learning plan template and concepts from SURN when I first started to write this style of plan. In my first plans, I typically tried to incorporate every strategy from Power Tools. The hardest thing for me to adjust to was simplifying the plan to focus on one strategy and carry it through from the beginning to the end of the lesson. I hope to have individual feedback to each of you by October 1, 2010.


  1. It is nice to know that I wasn't the only one who struggled. I look forward to your comments and the chance to simplify my plan to focus on one strategy!!! I also had to say that I was very happy to see today that in our history department meeting that the focus was a few vocabulary building strategies from Power Tools! Cool, huh!

  2. I had to stick to one strategy as well. I found myslef wanting to use more than one strategy as well. I am in the process of focusing my lesson on one strategy and really emphasizing the material. Good luck!
