Monday, September 27, 2010

SURN School Visit October 20th-What to Expect?


Maury is scheduled for it's SURN visit on October 20th. I have to admit I am nervous. Can someone ease my mind and tell me what to expect? I'd like to know about how many individuals are coming to visit me in my classroom? How long will they observe? What are criteria are they evaluating there an actual rubric? HELP?


  1. I am going to stick to the powertools and have them posted on the wall and have student samples of the tools up as well. I have used the community learning wall, Frayer Model, and starting to really focus on the Golden Lines as well. If I were you, I would make sure that you samples posted around the room and labeled in your lesson plan. Good Luck!

  2. Great advice!!!!! Thanks so much! Have a great week!

  3. Good luck with your visit Laura! Let us know how it goes :)

  4. We have ours tomorow at Lake Taylor, will let you know what to expect afterward.
