Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good evening! I received a classroom walk through this week from my principal. She observed the community learning wall, Frayer model, and student products that were posted. The data collection feedback went well and I am preparing for the SURN visit. I am going to be utilizing other power tools from the textbook this week. Any feedback from tools that you have used would be helpful! Have a great week!


  1. When I started this school year I used the Golden Lines template to do making connections. It worked so much better then I thought it would with my students. They caught on really well. I also had my students make graffiti walls at the end of a unit to just put everything they knew out there... they had a ton of fun with it and they look awesome when they get finished! (I cant remember where it is in the book, but its somewhere!)

  2. I really like Golden Lines and T-Charts for making connections. I use both frequently in my World History I classes (9th grade, mixed ability). I have also shown several teachers how to incorporate Golden Lines and T-Charts into their lessons. My students now grasp the concept of using both items to make connections.

  3. I am going to incorporate the T charts as well. I have been focusing on the Frayer Model and the 3-2-1 activies to analyze the information from all angles and to make connections. Both have been very effective when analyzing the material.
