Monday, November 15, 2010

Literacy Strategies & NCSS Conference, Denver

I had a great experience at the NCSS conference in Denver. I had the opportunity to network with other teacher leaders from across the United States. I was delighted to discover that many social studies curriculum specialists are embracing literacy strategies that focus on before, during, and after reading, as well as gradual release of responsibility (I, we, you). I'm curious, what are your favorite strategies to use before, during, and after reading?


  1. Sounds like the conference went well! Glad to hear it! I did some before, during, after activities while using picture books with my 6th graders last year. I used asking questions as my mag 7 strategy and it worked really well. They really thought about the questions throughout the book and came up with some awesome questions at the end. They also referred back to it later on in the unit which was great to see!

  2. I am currently focusing on questioning strategies with my 9th grade World History I students. They really seem to "get it" now, and they are creating their own questions as they begin to read anything that we use! I have stressed that this skill transfers to any thing they read. There is hope!
